Saturday, May 18, 2013

Videolicious and Splice

This week my 9th grade Earth Science students have been working on Videolicious videos about topics in Earth Science. Some students are familiar with Splice so I have allowed them to use this App instead, but they need to have a picture of themselves in their video. They are working with a self-chosen partner or individually. (Interestingly, many of my best students have chosen to work by themselves.) I'll attach the rubric we're going to use to assess the videos.What I thought would only take a few days, has taken over a week (6 1/2 class periods to create and turn in the videos.) We have learned many lessons through this experience, as follows.

1. Since videos are 1 minute max in Videolicious, the more specific the students' topics the better.
2. My students are extremely camera-shy! This took me by surprise!!! Be ready and willing to let them take as many as they need to feel comfortable.
3. You need some "quiet areas" available for students to go and record.
4. After students have shown you their script, let them put their names on the board for a running list of who is next as soon as a group is finished.
5. Allow groups 10 mins max to record, then let another group take their place. 

One of the main drawbacks of multiple users on one iPad is that, since there is no login, students can delete each others' videos on the Camera Roll. Many of my students have had to completely redo their videos because the student using that iPad another period has deleted their project. :(((  There are 2 ways I can see around this problem:
6. Students make and use their own Dropbox accounts for everything they need to save. and/or
7. Students make and use their own Videolicious account, AND make sure they attach their video in Edmodo before they leave at the end of the period.

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